SLAF KFIR and F7G fighter-bombers targetted the house of the sea-tiger chief Soosai yesterday. At the time of the air strike, Soosai was known to have been at the location based on real time information.
Soosai's house is said to have its own underground bunker and a backhoe machine is seen rushing to the rescue following the air strike. A follow-on airstrike subsequently destroyed the earth moving machine also.
Unverified sources have indicated a relationship between a previous assasination attempt on Soosai in which his under-age son was killed, to growing animosity between him and Pottu Amman, another accomplished terrorist leader. Pottu is said to be either in the custody of the Sri Lankan forces, or cooperating with them. A successful targetting of Soosai could be the result of information provided by Pottu.
Information provided to the SLAF by Pottu's informants led to the elimination of Tamilselvan, another potential contender to the leadership of the LTTE.
While the second tier leadership is on an internecine struggle for power, the leader of the LTTE seems to have escaped from the area of conflict along with his family.
speculaton is on that in addition to Soosai, a self-styled Colonel Ramesh had also become a casualty in the air strike.
Your previous post said destroyed 2 MBT's..That's incorrect,according to DW and Lakbimanews defence.However, casualty figures should be much higher than 18 KIA.I'm guessing close to 50, due to the shock and sudden attack on the 59's FDL's
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