Wednesday, October 29, 2008


[Click on picture to enlarge - Source:]

THE anger in the media is quite understandable. The Sri Lankan tax payer has spent billions of their hard earned money to give the state of the art toys the defense establishment has asked for, and yet they fail to do their job. Repeatedly and miserably.

Some media speculate the real target of the aircraft which bombed the Kelanitissa power plant was the President's House. Had that been the target of yesterday's bombing, today could be a day of historic consequences for the average Sri Lankan. For the average LTTEr, it would be a day of reckoning and the day they truly reap the whirlwind.

More importantly, quite possibly it could also have been a day when history repeated itself; 1983 Black July style. Sri Lanka could have been standing on square one, with it's tail between legs and wondering what the hell happened. Far away in his jungle hideout, Velupillai could have been laughing his ass off. Fortunately none of it happened this time. Next time they will be better prepared, more determined and try much harder.

We do understand that the SLAF has done its part in the counter-terrorism efforts. That is what they are paid to do. The defence services leadership also needs to understand their inability to deal with the airborne terrorist threat is one which is bigger than the bombs dropped. It needs to be evaluated in terms of potential consequences, in a worst case scenario; like the killing of the President. At the present failure rate, it looks a real enough threat.
Sri Lanka needs to make better preparations to deal with all these potential outcomes, including back up systems to prevent adverse consequences such as rioting and attacks against any community, in the event of such a worst case scenario.
The LTTE now knows that they possess the capability and could potentially reverse all its battle field losses so far by one decisive strike against the Presidential house. While the sufferings of the Tamils has always been an acceptable price to pay for the LTTE leaders' pipe dream, knowing that such an outcome would provide their organization more than a lifeline would make the terrorists determined to use this opportunity. Sri Lanka and its leadership stand in imminent danger, and need to be prepared for any and all possibilities.


History said...

Tropical storm,

I follow your blog at times, and sometime peep in to Nirosh's blog too.. man.. you two are very similar.. have a look..

It is only by outsmarting our enemy that we can win here and not by buying new weapons or equipments. If you do the second, we can delay the next attack but cannot prevent it.

TAF vs SLAF - A Real Analysis



"Think outside the box" that is what I also wanted our SLAF leaders to do..

hmm, it was “history”.. Yes, the ideas are amazingly similar but your writings are more professional than mine. You seems to be ahead of me.. great!!

It is good to see volunteers spending their leisure hours for betterment of our motherland..

Thanks for commenting on my article and thanks for the offer to take ideas from your article..

- I see a force who work for the same goal -