Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Divergent views ; from overseas and local sources

Foreign military analysts think the Mig27 deal was a bargain

Some locals think otherwise

Is this cheap politics as usual with no concern for the country's security ?


The work horse aircraft of the SLAF which carries a punch that is unmatched by any other on its inventory, has obviously made serious some enemies among those whom the average Sri Lankan considers to be its leaders. The leader of the tragically diminished main opposition party has a thorn up his ass about the SLAF acquiring any more of these air craft.

With leaders such as these, Sri Lanka really doesn't need enemies. That reality summarizes Sri Lanka's past and its present. Unless the future is different, this nation really has no hope.

It is upto the Sri Lankan voter to tell the pansy opposition leader to shed his mental limitations in dealing with terrorism, if he wants to continue in his political career. If not, the UNP needs to find a real man to take its leadership.

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